Can we book you for the whole day ?

No Sorry, 2 hour max.

Do we get charged for the petrol?

The price of the petrol is included in the price.

Do you have your own tools?

Yes, I have my own power and hand tools.

Can customers use your power tools?

Power tools can only be used by myself on site.

Do you work in the rain?

Yes, I work in the rain, unless its torrential rain or the weather makes the work counterproductive.

Do you accept cash payments ? 

Cash payments are no longer accepted.

What card reader do you use ?

I use a company called Lopay

I need to cancel an appointment is there a fee?

There is no fee to cancel an appointment. However i kindly ask customers to give me 24 hours notice ,where possible, as it allows me to offer your appointment to another customer

Is there a cancellation fee, when the customer cancels on the spot  or on the day ?

Yes, there is a cancellation fee that will occur if a customer cancels on the day when i have turned up for a pre booked appointment. The Cancellation fee is £35

I see your hourly rate is £25 per hour is there any room for a discount ?

The prices set are non negotiable.

Do you have any discounts  ?

There are no discounts available.